Farmer of the Year Application

Please read these directions in their entirety.

Are you, or do you know a farmer that should be nominated for NC Farmer of the Year? The applicant can be self-nominated or nominated by someone else. However, the application must go through and be submitted by your local Extension office, Soil & Water District office or the Forestry Service office. Applications not received through one of these channels will be disqualified. To find your agent click on the links below:

NC Soil & Water District Contacts by County

NC Cooperative Extension Offices by County

NC Forestry Service by County

Farmers play a tremendous role in making North Carolina the great state that it is. They deserve our appreciation & recognition.  Nominate a deserving farmer. The top 3 applicants (including immediate family and county applicant sponsor from either county Extension, Soil & Water District or Forestry Services) will receive an invitation to be invited as an honorary guest at the North Carolina Farmers Appreciation Celebration to be held on November 14th in Raleigh, NC.

Awards include $5,000 for first place, $3,000 for 2nd place and $2,000 for 3rd place. NC State Grange will also provide $500, $300 and $200 for respective county applicant sponsors.

Directions for Application Submission

Application must be submitted by your local Extension Office , Soil & Water District Office or Forestry Service Office by October 8, 2024.

Download Applications

Questions regarding the application process can be directed to Laurie Barnhart @ 919-539-5821 or

The following links are the applications for only the local County Extension agent/sponsor, County Soil & Water district supervisor/sponsor or Forest Services agent/sponsor for submission to the judging process.