
1st Annual North Carolina Farmers Appreciation Day

A designated date to show appreciation to all North Carolina farmers was introduced at the beginning of the 2023 North Carolina Legislative Long Session last year. A Grange Resolution passed by Grantham Grange and then passed by the NC Grange membership was the impetus. After discussions with the Agriculture Committee Leadership at the General Assembly, Rep. Jimmy Dixon of Duplin County was happy to craft a bill for recognizing a North Carolina Farmers Appreciation Day; and so it was that the second Thursday in November is set aside as a day of appreciation and recognition for all North Carolina farmers and farm families.

The NC Grange along with the support of our North Carolina commodities, NC Farm Bureau and the NC Dept. of Agriculture have been 100% supportive of this effort at the NC Grange. We are proud to be a part of spearheading this campaign and are committed to supporting it year after year.

For a state that ranks 3rd in Agriculture diversity and has an economic impact of over $100 billion dollars annually, we feel strongly that North Carolina farmers are deserving of a day set aside for all they do to provide food and fiber to all of us. They help make North Carolina the great state that it is.

Please support all of our North Carolina Farmers on November 14th from “Mountains to Sea”! They deserve it!

North Carolina Farmers Appreciation Day Resolution

Whereas, we should never forget that to remain a free nation we must maintain and improve

our ability to feed and clothe ourselves; and

Whereas, the food and fiber we produce to feed and clothe ourselves must necessarily be

safe, reliable, and economically affordable and

Whereas, from the beginning of our nation, the agriculture sector has served us well in these

and many other areas; and

Whereas, the heart and soul of agriculture has been and continues to be the American farmer;


Whereas, we must continue to use our land, water, and air to produce food and fiber in

environmentally responsible and sustainable ways; and

Whereas, many of our citizens no longer reside near working farms and are therefore

unfamiliar with how our food and fiber is produced; and

Whereas, North Carolina farmers are dedicated to producing the food and fiber to feed and

clothe our population; and

Whereas, the farmers of North Carolina have set the pace and performed exceptionally well in

many parts of the agriculture sector; and

Whereas, countless people across our nation and in many other nations depend on food and

fiber produced here in North Carolina; and

Whereas, it is important to properly acknowledge and express gratitude for the hardworking

North Carolina farm families; therefore

The General Assembly of North Carolina officially recognizes the second Thursday in

November of each year, beginning in 2024, as North Carolina Farmers Appreciation Day.

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