November 14, 2024

North Carolina is rich with agriculture from one end of the state to the other, the farmers that produce food, fiber, and fuel in our state do so with heart and pride. Let’s celebrate our farmers and all they grow.

Mountains to Sea

North Carolina leads in agriculture

  • Christmas Trees

    NC grows over 25% of the Christmas trees sold in America.

  • Turkeys

    NC ranks 2nd in the nation’s turkey production.

  • Sweetpotatoes

    NC leads the nation in sweetpotatoes, growing 60% of the U.S. supply.

  • Tobacco

    Nearly 80% of flue-cured tobacco grown in the United States is grown in NC

  • Eggs + Poultry

    The state leads the country in eggs and poultry production.

  • Pork

    NC ranks 3rd in the country for pork production.

North Carolina Farmers

Farmer of the Year Application

Awards include $5,000 for first place, $3,000 for 2nd place and $2,000 for 3rd place. NC State Grange will also provide $500, $300 and $200 for respective county applicant sponsors.

Applications are due by October 8, 2024

Largest economic impact in North Carolina. Over a $100 billion industry.

NC Agriculture

NC Farms

74,062 farmers in North Carolina.

There are 46,000 farms in the state. 96% are family-owned and operated.

NC farmers

NC has 1,827 Centennial farms and 27 bicentennial farms.

NC roots